Sunny’s Story, written by Ginger Katz is a drug prevention book for all ages. It is a compelling story for children, teenagers, parents, grandparents, teachers and more. Sunny’s Story tells of joyful times and sad times, and of how a dog’s best friend was needlessly lost to drug abuse.
Sunny’s Story – Five Star Reviews
Courage to Speak Foundation2022-01-03T20:59:39-05:00Ginger Katz signing autographed copies of her book Sunny's Story. Sunny’s Story Five Star Reviews Get Sunny’s Story For Your School or Organization A Must Read. By Ellen Seltzer (Connecticut) Sunny's Story is the tale of Ian, the author's son, that is told through the eyes of the family dog, Sunny. It is written in easy to understand English and portrays a happy, healthy life that gets turned around and eventually ends in tragedy. I taught this short story to two classes of 6th graders who literally gobbled it up. They loved [...]