Sunny’s Story

A drug prevention book written by a mother who lost her son to a drug overdose from the viewpoint of the family beagle, Sunny. It's a great learning tool for kids, parents, teachers, and others.

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Drug Prevention Education Program for Parents

Drug prevention education program for parents from the Courage to Speak Foundation. Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® is a single-session substance abuse education prevention program for parents and is offered in both English and Spanish. The program is designed to help parents understand the impact of drug abuse on youth and give them the knowledge required to communicate more effectively with their children about the dangers of drugs.

 Learn how to become a Facilitator for Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®

We have trained thousands of parents since its onset and over 150 professional facilitators to teach the program in several states.

This Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program for Parents Includes:

This single-session substance abuse prevention course covers teen drug use trends and party culture; drug and alcohol abuse, addiction and its physiological consequences; protective, psychological and developmental guidance to help reduce the risk of substance use; dangers of enabling and hands-off parenting; the adolescent brain, why kids use, communication and listening strategies; warning signs; the power of denial; practical steps if use or abuse is suspected; sources of help, how to access treatment and much more.

Professionals Trained to Teach Substance Abuse Prevention to Parents

Courage to Speak- Courageous Parenting 101® is taught by professional facilitators recruited from the ranks of teachers, school administrators, substance abuse professionals and others with a background in the prevention field. All facilitators are trained and certified by the Courage to Speak® Foundation.

All parents must register for the program and all facilitators must fill our application form.

Parents often times can be ill equipped to deal with the issues of drug use and the issues of substance abuse.  With Courage to Speak- Courageous Parenting 101® , we will give you the skills to speak with your child about drugs.  You will learn how to face your teenager about the effects of drugs on teens.  As a parent it is our job to keep our children safe and drug free.  Being able to address drug problems in youth before they become addicted to drugs is key.

Most children believe drugs are only fun and have no consequences but the reality is that childhood drug use will lead to a life of substance abuse.  The effects drugs have on children is far reaching and complex.  This course will show you how to build a relationship with you child and stop substance use before it happens, and if there is a substance use problem to address it.

The Courage to Speak Foundation has adapted the original multi-session drug prevention education program for parents into this single session program called “Courage to Speak-Courageous Parenting 101 Parenting Through the Opioid Crisis and Beyond”.

Childhood drug use and teenage drug use can destroy a life but by taking our Courage to Speak- Courageous Parenting 101® course you can become a strong parent and obtain the skills in order to learn how to prevent substance abuse and teenage substance abuse.

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Inquiries by phone call 1-203-9700. References Available Upon Request.