Courage to Speak Foundation Price List

Courage to Speak® Foundation Price List


Courage to Speak® LIVE Presentation

For Students, Parent Groups, Educators, Law Enforcement, Corporations, Religious Groups, State and Federal Agencies, and National Conferences

Price: Call (203) 831-9700 for Special Pricing

Courage to Speak® VIRTUAL Presentation

For Students, Parent Groups, Educators, Law Enforcement, Corporations, Religious Groups, State and Federal Agencies, and National Conferences

Price: Call (203) 831-9700 for Special Pricing


Elementary School Substance Use Prevention Curriculum

Comprehensive Program for Elementary Schools

Price: $400

Manuals: Each teacher receives one (1) manual for instructing their students. Additional manuals must be purchased for each teacher involved in the instruction.

Shipping and Handling: $3 per Sunny Story book, $12 per curriculum manual

Additional Requirement: Sunny's Story Books for students must be purchased separately at $16.95 each in addition to the curriculum

Middle School Substance Use Prevention Curriculum

In-Depth Program for Adolescents

Sunny's Story is available as an optional supplement.

Price: $400

Manuals: Each teacher receives one (1) manual for instructing their students. Additional manuals must be purchased for each teacher involved in the instruction.

Shipping and Handling: $3 per Sunny Story book (if chosen as optional supplement), $12 per curriculum manual

High School Substance Use Prevention Curriculum

Advanced Program for Teenagers

Sunny's Story can be used as an optional supplement.

Price: $400

Manuals: Each teacher receives one (1) manual for instructing their students. Additional manuals must be purchased for each teacher involved in the instruction.

Shipping and Handling: $3 per Sunny Story book (if chosen as optional supplement), $12 per curriculum manual

After School Substance Use Prevention Program

Engaging After School Activities

Sunny's Story is included as a core component.

Price: $400

Manuals: Each teacher receives one (1) manual for instructing their students. Additional manuals must be purchased for each teacher involved in the instruction.

Shipping and Handling: $3 per Sunny Story book, $12 per curriculum manual

Additional Requirement: Sunny's Story Books for students must be purchased separately at $16.95 each in addition to the program


Sunny's Story: How to Save a Young Life from Drugs

Written by Ginger Katz, CEO and Founder of the Courage to Speak® Foundation

Price: $16.95

Shipping and Handling: $3 per Sunny Story book

To Buy Sunny's Story online go to Get Sunny's Story

Please contact us at 203-831-9700 or email for more information or to schedule a presentation.