Live & Virtual Presentation Dates Available.

The Courage to Speak® Foundation offers the Courage to Speak® Presentation for students, parents, educators, and community members live and virtual. To request more information on our Drug Prevention Education Programs and Services, please fill-out a Drug Prevention Program Request or call the office at 203-831-9700.

For the entire schedule on a single page, please see Presentation Schedule At A Glance.

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The Courage To Speak® Drug Prevention Presentation for Parents and Teens Town Hall meeting 

In this dynamic, riveting and thought-provoking presentation, nationally renowned prevention speaker, Ginger Katz, Founder and CEO of The Courage To Speak® Foundation and author of Sunny’s Story, shares the story of her son Ian’s losing battle with drugs. This presentation will also be presented by Larry Katz, MS in Nutrition & BS in Psychology.

Ms. Katz has made over one-thousand drug prevention education presentations throughout the country that have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of students, parents, law enforcement professionals, educators, prevention specialists, religious groups and has spoken at state and national agencies and conferences.

Drug Prevention Education Speaker Connecting Teens to Parents

The Courage to Speak® Foundation, Inc. was founded by Ginger and Larry Katz, Co-Founder of the Courage to Speak® Foundation, MS in Nutrition & BS in Psychology, in an effort to foster open communication about the prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse among young people.

Topics Covered at this evenings event include:

  • Signs to look for
  • Effective communication between parent & child
  • Helping teens handle stress, anger & other emotions
  • Helping teens make good decisions
  • The code of silence and its dangers
  • Addiction and its impact on families
  • Today’s Marijuana and Vaping

Click here to learn even more about the presentation