The Courage to Speak®
High School Teen Drug Prevention Curriculum

The Courage to Speak® High School Teen Drug Prevention Curriculum, developed along with teams of experts, provides students in grades 9-12 with the social and emotional skills necessary to make healthy decisions and resist the pressure to use drugs. This comprehensive drug prevention curriculum incorporates lessons that address communication, decision-making, risk reduction, problem-solving, and goal-setting to empower high school students to avoid drug use. Students take part in specific skill development and asset-building activities through:
- Group Discussion
- Interactive Lessons
- Teamwork
- Home-School Connections
This user-friendly curriculum consists of 14 engaging lessons taught by teachers. An additional option for the curriculum is the book Sunny’s Story written by Ginger Katz. The book offers a glimpse into teen drug use and loss told through the eyes and mind of the family beagle, Sunny.
The Courage to Speak® High School Teen Drug Prevention Curriculum covers “Need to Know” information on:
- Fentanyl, marijuana, vaping/tobacco, and alcohol
- Binge drinking
- Prescription drug misuse
- Heroin and other drugs
The lessons build critical skills that enable students to:
- Develop clear decision-making strategies
- Have a clear plan to refuse the offer of alcohol and other drugs
- Open a dialogue with their parents and trusted adults about the dangers of drugs and other risky behaviors

The lesson objectives meet the National Health Education Standards and were developed under the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control’s Health Education Curriculum Assessment Tool (HECAT).
For more information or to learn more about this curriculum for high school students in your community, please call 203-831-9700 or email