Greetings Future Facilitators,
We want to thank you for your interest in facilitating the Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® program in your local community. As a facilitator of our parenting program, you will give parents the tools and knowledge required to communicate more effectively with their children on substance abuse issues. They will also develop improved listening and communication skills, which have been shown to be a critical factor in the prevention of substance abuse by young people.
This online facilitator video training is ideal for school counselors, health class teachers, social workers, law enforcement, substance abuse professionals and others with a background in the prevention field interested in teaching the Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® program to parents in their local community. This course is available to be taught in English and Spanish.
The video training takes approximately 8 hours. Part 1 covers the training and overview and Part 2 is a live presentation of an earlier version of the course being taught to parents which covers.
All facilitators are trained and certified by the Courage to Speak® Foundation to teach Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® to provide parents with knowledge and skills needed to communicate openly and honestly with their children about the dangers of drugs and other risky behaviors.
Participating parents will utilize their prevention power in supporting their children’s decisions to avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs and lead a healthy lifestyle. Parents develop improved communication skills, which are proven to be a critical factor in the prevention of substance abuse by young people.
A Yale University evaluation of Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® reported the following key findings:
- Significant increases in parents regularly talking with their children about the use of alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs. - Parents reported increased frequency of conversations about setting clear rules/expectations with their
children regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. - All participants demonstrated increased confidence in knowing how to deal with the use of alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs among their children. - There was an increased willingness to talk to other parents about the other parent’s children suspected
use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
The Courage to Speak Drug Prevention Education Programs have been evaluated through rigorous research. Summary of the findings done by Yale School of Medicine and another Public Health Firm.
Thank you for your interest in working with parents to reduce substance use among youth and to provide parents with the tools necessary to communicate openly and honestly with their children about the dangers of drugs.
Ginger Katz
CEO and Founder of the Courage to Speak® Foundation
and Author of Sunny’s Story, a drug prevention storybook
- Filling out the Application
Complete and submit your application, which will be reviewed by our friendly team. The application form is at https://couragetospeak.org/courage-to-speak-facilitator-application/ .” You have the option to complete and submit the form online or by regular mail. - Submit Terms of Use Agreement & Pay Tuition
Upon approval of your application, a Terms of Use Agreement will be sent to you via e-mail. The agreement must be signed and returned to us. Tuition for Courage to Speak-Courageous Parenting 101® facilitators training program is $850. This fee includes use of curriculum facilitators resources, the PowerPoint presentation, and parent handouts along with online video training. - Receiving Your Login Credentials
After we receive payment via mail or credit card along with your Terms of Use Agreement, your Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® “Parenting Through the Opioid Crisis and Beyond” Facilitator login will be emailed to you, providing a unique username and password. - Getting Started with Online Training
You will need to choose a time frame that is most convenient for you to take the online training (the training is approximately 8 hours.) You will then use your assigned username and password with a link to log-in to the training videos. We suggest that you take notes while viewing our training videos. If need more time for viewing the videos, feel free to email gkatz@couragetospeak.org for an extension. - Completing Online Training
You are now qualified to teach Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® “Parenting Through the Opioid Crisis and Beyond” to parents in your community! The course is free for parents and you cannot charge parents to attend your training. More details are outlined in our Terms of Use Agreement which will be mailed to you after your application is approved. Upon completion you will receive a template of marketing material for you to adapt for your community that you can send back to the CTS to have promoted on the Courage to Speak website. This will help you spread the word about the course in your community. You will also receive a flash drive with an informative PowerPoint slides to aid in teaching the course.
- Filling out the Application