Sunny’s Story

A drug prevention book written by a mother who lost her son to a drug overdose from the viewpoint of the family beagle, Sunny. It's a great learning tool for kids, parents, teachers, and others.

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Ginger Katz founded The Courage to Speak® Foundation shortly after her son, Ian, died of a drug overdose in 1996. The Foundation is dedicated to fulfilling her promise to Ian to do everything in her power to prevent what happened to him, from happening to others. The Courage to Speak® Foundation fosters open communication about the prevention of alcohol and other drug use among young people. This video is a wonderful resource for teaching kids about the danger of drugs, because preventing tragedy in schools and communities is a priority shared by all.

Seen live by thousands across the country, The Courage to Speak® Presentation successfully facilitates open and honest discussion between adults and children about the issue of substance abuse, inspires young people to refuse drugs, and supports parents to help their children make healthy choices.

Courage to Speak® Drug Prevention Presentation Topics

  • Drug addiction and its impact on a family
  • A fatal combination – the code of silence when someone is in trouble
  • What to do when you know there is a problem with substance abuse
  • Why you need to learn about the realities of alcohol and drug use among young people
  • How parent’s youth, and the community can save lives

Telly Award Winner

The Telly has become one of the most sought-after awards in the TV, commercial and video industry. Past Video, Film & Program winners include Sony Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, ESPN, UPS, Kodak, General Electric, PBS. MSNBC, Miramax Films, US Air Force, Goodwill Industries, Chamber of Commerce, Dept. of Defense, NBA Entertainment, TNT, Peace Corp., Time Life Video, Shell, Nike International Comm., United Way, The Red Cross and more. Crown Theaters has sponsored Courage to Speak® Foundation fundraisers and ran part of the Courage to Speak® Foundation video, a 30-second PSA in Fairfield County theaters.

Used with the express permission of The Courage to Speak® Foundation, Inc., the owner of all right title and interest in and to the video, and the copyright and any other intellectual property rights related thereto. You may not make any additional copies without the express consent of The Courage to Speak® Foundation or use it for personal or commercial gain.