Get Involved with Courage to Speak® Foundation

Courage to Speak Foundation BannerTake the Next Step with Courage to Speak®

Get involved with our programs to make a real difference in your community. Join us in preventing drug misuse today.

Book a Presentation

Ginger Katz Presenting

Schedule a live or virtual presentation for your school, organization, or community group. Our presentations are designed to educate and inspire attendees about the dangers of drug misuse and effective prevention strategies. Ginger Katz shares her powerful story and provides actionable insights to help prevent substance misuse.

By booking a presentation, you bring impactful stories and vital information to your community, fostering awareness and promoting healthy, drug-free lifestyles. Our sessions are tailored to various audiences, including students, parents, community leaders, and educators, ensuring that each group receives relevant and engaging content.

Our presentations are more than just lectures; they are interactive sessions that engage the audience and encourage active participation. We cover topics such as the impact of drug misuse, strategies for prevention, and the importance of communication between parents and children.

Don't miss the opportunity to empower your community with knowledge and tools to fight drug misuse. Book a presentation today and take the first step towards a healthier, drug-free environment.

Purchase Our Curriculum


Implement our comprehensive drug prevention curriculum in your school or community program. Our curriculum includes detailed lesson plans, engaging activities, and valuable resources for educators and parents. It's designed to equip youth with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices and avoid substance misuse.

Our curriculum offers a structured approach to drug prevention education, with age-appropriate materials for elementary, middle, and high school students. It provides educators with the tools to deliver effective lessons that resonate with students, helping them understand the consequences of drug misuse and the importance of making positive choices.

The curriculum is easy to integrate into existing programs ensuring educators are well-prepared to teach these important topics. By using our curriculum, you can create a supportive learning environment that empowers students to resist peer pressure and make informed decisions.

Invest in the future of your students and community by incorporating our drug prevention curriculum into your educational programs. Together, we can build a generation that understands the risks of drug misuse and is equipped to make healthier choices. Purchase our curriculum today.

Volunteer with Us


Become a part of our mission by volunteering your time and skills. Volunteers help organize events, distribute educational materials, and support our outreach efforts. Whether you have a few hours to spare or want to commit to a long-term role, your contribution can make a significant impact in our fight against substance misuse.

Volunteering with Courage to Speak® provides an opportunity to make a real difference in your community. You'll work alongside dedicated individuals who share your commitment to preventing drug misuse and promoting healthy lifestyles. Your efforts will help expand our reach and enhance the effectiveness of our programs.

As a volunteer, you can get involved in a variety of activities, from helping at events to providing administrative support or using your unique skills to advance our mission. Every volunteer role is important and valued, and we provide training and support to ensure you can contribute effectively.

Join our team of passionate volunteers and play an active role in creating drug-free communities. Your time and talents can help save lives and promote healthier futures for young people everywhere. Learn more about volunteering.


Your financial support enables us to continue our vital work. Donations help fund our educational programs, produce new materials, and reach more communities in need. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us move closer to our goal of a drug-free future for all.

When you donate to Courage to Speak®, you invest in the future of our youth and the well-being of our communities. Your generosity supports the development and delivery of effective drug prevention education, ensuring that more individuals have access to the resources they need to stay drug-free.

Donations can be made as one-time gifts or as recurring contributions. Each donation helps us to expand our programs and develop new educational materials. We ensure that every dollar is used effectively to advance our mission.

Your support can make a tangible difference. Join our community of donors and help us create a safer, healthier world for everyone. Together, we can achieve lasting change and save lives.

Donate Button

Become a Partner


Collaborate with us as a community organization, school, or business. Partnerships help us extend our reach and amplify our impact. By working together, we can create a stronger network to combat drug misuse and support healthy, drug-free lifestyles.

As a partner, you'll join a network of like-minded organizations committed to making a difference. Partnerships can involve co-hosting events, sponsoring programs, or providing resources and expertise. Together, we can achieve greater impact and support more individuals in their journey toward a drug-free life.

Partnerships with Courage to Speak® provide mutual benefits. Your organization will be recognized as a leader in community health and safety, and you'll have opportunities to engage with our audience and network. We offer various levels of partnership to suit your organization's goals and capacity.

Explore how your organization can partner with us and make a lasting impact. By combining our efforts, we can build stronger, healthier communities and ensure that everyone has the support they need to avoid substance misuse. Learn more about partnerships.

Attend Our Events


Join us at our events to learn more about our mission, meet like-minded individuals, and support our cause. Our events include educational workshops, community gatherings, and fundraising activities. Stay informed about upcoming events and how you can participate.

Attending our events offers an opportunity to engage with our mission on a deeper level. You'll hear from experts in the field, participate in interactive sessions, and connect with others who share your commitment to drug prevention. Your presence and participation help raise awareness and generate support for our initiatives.

Our events are designed to be informative and inspiring, providing valuable insights and practical tools for preventing drug misuse. Whether you're attending a workshop, a community meeting, or a fundraising event, you'll leave with a greater understanding of the issue and how you can make a difference.

Stay updated on our event calendar and join us for an upcoming event. Your involvement helps strengthen our community and amplify our message of prevention and health. View our event calendar.

Success Stories

Success Story

Read testimonials from families, students, and communities who have benefited from our programs. These success stories highlight the positive impact our initiatives have on individuals and groups, showcasing the difference you can make by getting involved.

Our success stories demonstrate the real-world impact of Courage to Speak® programs. From students who have turned their lives around to parents who have gained the confidence to talk to their children about drugs, these stories inspire and motivate us to continue our work. They also show potential supporters the tangible benefits of our efforts.

By sharing these stories, we hope to encourage others to join our mission and contribute to our cause. Each story is a testament to the power of education, communication, and community support in preventing drug misuse and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Explore our success stories and see the difference our programs are making. Your involvement can help create more stories of hope and transformation. Read our success stories.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Have questions? Reach out to us for more information on how you can get involved and support our mission. We're here to help you find the best way to contribute to our cause.

Contacting us is the first step toward making a difference. Whether you're interested in booking a presentation, purchasing our curriculum, volunteering, donating, or becoming a partner, our team is ready to provide the information and support you need. Together, we can achieve a drug-free future.

Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any inquiries and guide you on how you can best support our mission. We value your interest and are committed to working with you to create a positive impact.

Don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a significant difference in the fight against drug misuse and build healthier, safer communities. Contact us today.