Press Articles 2011
November 16, 2011
By Ginger Katz
At the cemetery of my son’s Ian’s burial, one of his close friends told me Ian was sexually molested at the age of 11. It was as though Ian died twice. After hearing this information, I asked several of Ian’s friends what they knew. It turned out to be the truth.
October 25, 2011
Mom Teaches Darien Kids To Stay Off Drugs
by Casey Donahue
DARIEN, Conn. – A personal account of the dangers of substance abuse was presented to Middlesex Middle School eighth-graders when Ginger Katz gave a talk last week on her son Ian’s death from a heroin overdose at the age of 20.
October 17, 2011
Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®
A FREE 3-session substance abuse education and prevention program for parents wishing to arm themselves with the knowledge of how to keep their children safe WHEN: October 20th at 6:30 pm WHERE: West Rocks Middle School 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT Continuing October 27th & November 3rd at 6:30 pm A Light Dinner Fare will be Served at 6:00 pm
October 12, 2011
Katz brings message of drugs to city parents
By Danielle Capalbo, Hour Staff Writer
October 11, 2011
Area School Hosts Courageous Parenting
by Joseph Cole
October 10, 2011
Courage to Speak Foundation hosts series
Parents are invited to learn about substance abuse and gain the knowledge and skills needed to keep their children safe. A free parent education series, “Courage to Speak — Courageous Parenting 101,” developed by the Courage to Speak Foundation, will be offered in English and Spanish at West Rocks Middle School, 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk.
October 9, 2011
The Courage to Speak® Foundation – Ginger Katz – November 2011
A FREE 3-session substance abuse education and prevention program for parents wishing to arm themselves with the knowledge of how to keep their children safe WHEN: October 20th at 6:30 pm WHERE: West Rocks Middle School 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT Continuing October 27th & November 3rd at 6:30 pm
October 7, 2011
“Courageous Parenting 101” Event in Norwalk
October 5, 2011
Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101
Posted by James M
It is a fact that our children will be offered alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, often many times, starting in middle school and continuing through high school. What can you do about this? Learn about substance abuse and gain the knowledge and skills needed to keep your children safe.
October 2011
Courage to Speak – October 5 – 7pm
On Thursday, Sept. 22nd, our the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at HKMS had the privilege of hearing Ginger and Larry Katz speak about their son Ian’s struggle with drugs and alcohol and how to prevent it.
October 2011
The Courage to Speak® Foundation is offering Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®
The Courage to Speak® Foundation is offering Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® in both English and Spanish at West Rocks Middle School, 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT. As a prelude to the course, Ginger Katz, CEO and Founder of the Courage to Speak®Foundation will deliver theCourage to Speak® Presentation on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 6:30 pm, followed by session one. Sessions two and three will follow on Thursday, October 27th and November 3rd at 6:30 pm.
September 30, 2011
It is a fact that our children will be offered alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, often many times, starting in middle school and continuing through high school. What can you do about this? Learn about substance abuse and gain the knowledge and skills needed to keep your children safe.
September 27, 2011
It is a fact that our children will be offered alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, often many times, starting in middle school and continuing through high school. What can you do about this? Learn about substance abuse and gain the knowledge and skills needed to keep your children safe.
September 22, 2011
Courageous Parenting 101: The Lesson That Could Save Your Child’s Life
August 8, 2011
Lightfoot runners cover nine miles in memory of Eaccarino
By Andy Hutchison, Correspondent
NORWALK — It might not have been an easy run for everybody, but those competing in last Saturday’s Lightfoot Running Club’s race certainly had plenty of motivation to complete the 9-mile course which started and finished at Calf Pasture Beach.
June 21, 2011
Fontbonne Academy Workshop – “Courageous Parenting 101”
By Frank Schroth
On Monday, June 27, the Fontbonne Academy Parents Guild will be sponsoring “Courageous Parenting 101,” a highly acclaimed substance abuse education and prevention workshop for parents of teenagers. Developed by the Courage to Speak Foundation, the seminar will cover topics including drug trends and current party culture, establishing and enforcing healthy limits for teens, and effective parenting styles.
June 16, 2011
Fontbonne to host workshop on teen drug use for parents
By Sarah Favot, Town Correspondent
The Fontbonne Academy Parents Guild is hosting “Courageous Parenting 101,” a substance abuse education and prevention workshop for parents of teenagers, on Monday, June 27.
The workshop is developed by the Courage to Speak Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded to encourage youth to be drug-free and to help parents to communicate effectively with their children, according to its website.
July 6, 2011
Norwalk Mom Dreams of an Army Battling Drug Abuse
By Joseph Cole
Norwalker Ginger Katz, with the support of her husband Larry, wants to raise an army. It is her goal — her wish — to see a battalion of mothers shout out in one singular voice that they will not be silent about the ravages of drug addiction.
April 27, 2011
Courageous Parenting 101 available in Spanish
By Ginger Katz
Click here to read more.
April 27, 2011
Courage to Speak now offered in Spanish
By Ginger Katz
March 17, 2011
By Rachel Shapiro
On Tuesday, March 22, the district will hold “Rise Above the Influence,” a program aimed at keeping kids away from drugs, alcohol cyber-bullying and other destructive decisions.
Click here to read more.
March 16, 2011
Students have courage to say ‘drugs aren’t part of the plan”™
By David Hennessey
Ginger Katz remembers how her son Ian James Eaccarino liked to cuddle on the couch with her, his sister and his stepdad Larry Katz. She remembers how Ian became the captain of his soccer team at age 8. She remembers how, two years later, he earned a black belt in karate and, at age 11, came in second to a 14-year-old boy in a competition at Madison Square Garden. She remembers how he was voted the most popular boy in his fifth-grade class.
March 15, 2011
Courage to Speak holds ‘Family Night’
By Carol King, Hour Correspondent
The horror of drug use was the focus of the seventh annual Courage To Speak “Empowering Youth to Be Drug Free Family Night.”
February 26, 2011
Courage to Speak’s ‘Empowering Youth to be Drug Free Family Night’ slated Mar. 15
The seventh annual Courage To Speak “Empowering Youth to Be Drug Free Family Night” will take place on Tuesday, March 15, at 5:30 p.m., at West Rocks Middle School, 81 West Rocks Road, in Norwalk (Snow date: March 16).
February 17, 2011
Malloy proposes decriminalizing pot
By Chase Wright, Hour Staff Writer
In an effort to cut costs and reduce the size of Connecticut’s prison population, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy has proposed decriminalizing possession of marijuana and sentencing certain drunken drivers to house arrest instead of jail.
January 24, 2011
Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® course to be offered beginning Tuesday
A free parent education series, entitled Courage to Speak-Courageous Parenting 101® developed by the Courage to Speak Foundation will be offered by The McCall Foundation.
January 18, 2011
For one school, holiday was a ‘day on’
By Danielle Capalbo, Hour Staff Writer
There were no classes Monday, yet 11-year-old Elveret Thomas arrived at West Rocks Middle School ready to learn on the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
January 17, 2011
Norwalk schools to celebrate MLK Day
By Danielle Capalbo, Hour Staff Writer
On the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Norwalk Public Schools will celebrate the man’s life and legacy with a free event open to community members.
January 6, 2011
WOMAN of ACTION – Ginger Katz — A Celebration of Women
Ginger Katz recently wrote the novel Sunny’s Story, which brought her message to life this year through the eyes of the family dog, Sunny, a keen and intelligent observer of the damage done by alcohol and drug use to her master, Ian.
January 4, 2011
COMMENTARY: No child immune to addiction
COMMENTARY BY GINGER KATZ — On Sept. 10, 1996, I lost my 20-year-old son Ian to a drug overdose just before he was going into a rehabilitation program the next day. Ian had used tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs in high school. At one point he was picked up by an officer at a park in Norwalk, Conn. He was scolded and told to go home. The officer said “If I ever find you in this town again with any drugs, I will arrest you, now go home.”
January 3, 2011
Quincy Rotary Club, Mayor Tom Koch plan school program on drug dangers
By Jack Encarnacao
Next week will be Drug Awareness Week at both of the city’s high schools.
January 3, 2011
Courageous Parenting 101 to be rolled out in Spanish
The Courage to Speak® Foundation will provide Spanish teen drug prevention information for Hispanic families and will roll out Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® in Spanish at West Rocks Middle School at 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, on Wednesday, Feb. 9 and 16 at 7 p.m. The program will give parents the knowledge to keep their children safe from substance abuse.
Click here to read more.
January 3, 2011
Parenting 101 adds class in Spanish
By Robert Koch, Hour Staff Writer
The Courage to Speak Foundation will bring its teen drug prevention program — this time in Spanish language — to West Rocks Middle School on two separate dates next month.