Sunny’s Story

A drug prevention book written by a mother who lost her son to a drug overdose from the viewpoint of the family beagle, Sunny. It's a great learning tool for kids, parents, teachers, and others.

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Educational Programs & Curriculum

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Courage to Speak Stories

When Ginger Katz lost her son, Ian, to a drug overdose in 1996, she realized that being a parent doesn’t end, even when your child is no longer with you. She made a vow to Ian that she would do everything in her power to prevent a similar tragedy from happening to other families by sharing his story and educating young people and parents about prevention. Ginger and her husband, Larry, founded The Courage to Speak® Foundation, inc. whose mission is to save lives by empowering youth to be drug-free, and by giving children and their parents the tools needed to do so. Over the last 11 years, Ginger initiated the development of the Courage to Speak health class drug prevention curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Please click on the photos below to read their stories.


Learn more about Courage to Speak® substance use prevention education programs for Elementary, Middle, and High School students.